For Anyone Looking To Collect Another Paycheck With Trading
Discover The Little-Known Trading System That Allows
Everyday People To Find Profitable Trades With Stunning Accuracy…
…By Far The Easiest Way To Reliably Create A Second Income In Just 30 Minutes A Day
What Is The Lunch Break Trader System?
Lunch break trader is a counterintuitive trading approach, allowing you to potentially generate a second income in just 30 minutes a day…
Without having to read confusing chart patterns, waiting to get lucky, or being chained to your desk trading.
We achieve this by finding high-quality, low-risk trades for you using our unique trading system…then we give you daily trade alerts.
All you have to do?
Take the trade!
As a result...this free's you up to spend more time with your loved ones, travel the world, and have real freedom - this is the Lunch Break Trader System.
The Lunch Break Trader System Is A SHORTCUT
Say goodbye to the days of studying complicated charts or waiting for luck…
Our proven trading system allows you to beat the market without the complicated guesswork reliably…
We’ll do all the work for you.
Our professional analysts will scan through hundreds of stocks and find golden opportunities FOR YOU…
...Every day…
...Every week…
...Every month…
…My team finds trades with the potential to double, triple, or even quadruple your investment…
Your only job?
Open the trading app and point, click, and trade.
That’s it.
Use our trade ideas...
And potentially ride the momentum with us…
This is how you could collect another paycheck in less than 30 minutes per day.
Imagine being able to crush the market - day consistently in and day out…
Turning a dollar into two…
…two into two hundred…
…And two hundred into whatever you desire.
All because you'll know the right time to start trading...
...and the best time to stop...
…Leaving you with profits after it’s all said and done.
Well - that’s all possible using the program I built, The Lunch Break Trader.
Here's how it works:
We Also Provide Veteran Market Analysis On Stocks Like…
Here's How I Went From A Struggling Trader To Consistently Crushing The Markets..By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Traditional Trading Model Upside Down
From: The laptop of Austin Wynn
Re: Financial freedom (and why this is your only way out)
Dear Future Lunch Break Trader,
You're about to discover the hidden method that big banks, hedge funds, and financial institutions use to legally make millions of dollars from the trading market every single day…
Day by day.
Week after week.
Month over month…
…Every single year.
...And I'm NOT talking about a few dollars here and there…
... I'm talking about millions upon millions of dollars being made daily…
…in a way that's consistent and reliable.
And you're about to discover exactly how to do it for yourself.
That way you can beat them at their own game and potentially start making money from trading in a reliable and safe way.
And I know that may sound hard to believe…
So Let Me Prove It To You
But first, read this disclaimer
I have the benefit of trading professionally for over 7 years now.
Much of that time was spent banging my head against the wall trying to find the “perfect system”.
The reality is…
The perfect system does NOT exist.
And anyone who claims otherwise, is lying to you.
But here’s the thing…
You don’t need the perfect system to make money in the financial markets.
In fact, using my “imperfect system”, I’ve been able to double, triple, even quadruple my trading account time and time again.
Without spending hours upon hours staring at the computer screen.
How did I do it?
Well - by following a proven system that allows me to reliably find, enter, and execute profitable trades…in just 30 minutes a day or less.
But that doesn’t mean EVERY trade is a winner.
So if you want to dominate the trading market but you can’t handle a few tiny losses…then this isn’t for you.
But if you want to discover how real traders are making real money by stacking the odds of winning in their favor…
Then let me show you how it works…
Here’s The Secret To Legally, Ethically, and Morally “Exploit” The Trading Markets Everyday...
Most of the wannabe “professional traders” giving advice on Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram got lucky.
They took a few trades ONCE and made some money…
The majority of it was based around getting lucky.
The problem with luck is that it’s not repeatable.
So when YOU try to use their “holy grail” trading method for yourself, it fails..
But you see…
There’s an easier way to find winning trades like this without having to get lucky.
The funny thing is - we took all those trades mentioned above…
But the difference between us and them…
…Is that we found these trades using our proven system.
…they found it using unproven luck.
Which means we can find these winning trades like this over and over again.
…and they can’t.
Which really means we know how to CREATE LUCK
Here’s just a few of the trades we “got lucky” with…
In August of 2022, I predicted $NVDA would go on a massive bull run. I took an options trade based on this analysis. I made over 1,122.33% on that trade.
…which meant twenty thousand dollars in my back pocket…
…and the back pocket of many others in our community who followed my recommendation…
…here’s the alert we sent out to everyone…
…Then in 2021 when everyone was worried about Covid…
…and everyone was jumping ship…
…me and my students were making huge returns…
…In early February I predicted Cassava Science Inc…
…and that came true for a 1,124% gain…
…In May I predicted Sava… …and that came true for $18,525 gain… In May I predicted that it would continue to go up and took an options trade to capitalize. That came true for $18,525 gain.
…Let’s not forget about Foresight Atnms…
…and that came true for 198% gain…
…The list goes on and on…
And we did it all without luck.
That’s because we’re real traders…
Not gamblers.
…And the real traders who legally “exploit” the market for massive gains every single day, do things differently.
We focus on stacking the odds of winning in our favor by finding low-risk trades with a high probability of success.
Just like a casino… we play the odds.
This is how the billion-dollar hedge funds and bank industry operates…
It’s how they make millions of dollars every single day…
…And this is exactly how banks, hedge funds, and financial institutions do it also.
So wouldn’t it be wise to follow the guys making millions?
Unlock The Lunch Break Trader
Only $27 Today
Get Instant Access For Just $27.00!
Start trading with a proven system in just minutes.
Now Available For Instant Access
But let’s forget about our results for a second…
Let's take a look at how countless “Lunch Break Traders” crushed the market with our system…
Like Evan, Who Made $7,400 With Our Daily Trading Alerts…
Soon After Using Our Signals, Evan Sent Us This Message:
And even though making $7,400 in a few months as a beginner trader is cool, that's not the best part...
The best part is we did all the hard work for him…
Step 1:
We send you an alert when we're entering a trade
Step 2:
Open the trading app and follow along
Step 3:
Sit back and enjoy your lunch
Step 4:
Receive another alert telling you when we are exiting.
Step 5:
Go back to work with a smile on your face
Easy as that.
We removed obstacles preventing traders from making money in the markets.
Just press a few buttons and follow along
That’s all Evan did.
And Evan isn't the only one either...
Ben Made $60,000 In A Single Trade After Joining Us…
...He went from being an experienced trader who lost $3.2 Million in Crypto on his own to joining us and making $60,000 in one trade…
Here’s Another Lunch Break Trader...
Bill Grew His Portfolio By 10% Every Single Day…
Here’s the post he made shortly after getting our program
And Here’s The Best Part…
This Works Whether You're Completely New Or An Experienced Trader......
We’ve seen regular, everyday people make this work…
…people no different than you or your next door neighbors…
…And the only difference between you and them…
…Is they know something you don’t…
…Which allows them to do something you can’t…
...And that something is what allows them to literally tap a few buttons on their phones…
…And just like that…make money faster than you ever thought was possible.
…And you can bet…
We do this in a way that you’ve never seen or heard before…
…This is something completely different, because…
We don’t focus on confusing, complex technical analysis
We don’t focus on risky gambles that can blow up your whole account
We don’t focus on waiting for the “perfect” opportunity
Instead We Follow The “Smart Money” And Stack The Odds In Our Favor…
Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
…and I know that’s true…
Because it changed everything for me.
The Lunch Break Trading Model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to making money in the financial markets…
Reading complicated chart patterns…
Waiting months to finally enter a trade…
Risking my whole trading account on every trade…
...And being chained to my computer all day…
In fact: you only need a quick 30-minute lunch break…
And the discipline to follow simple, easy-to-understand strategy…
Then You Can Potentially Start Taking Profitable Trades As Soon As Tomorrow…
But before I tell you how to do it…
I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.
My name’s Austin…
…I’m 32 years old…
…I’m semi-retired living in a million-dollar house, right outside of Chicago…
…And I'm what they call, a self-made trading millionaire…
If I look familiar that’s because I run a 36,000-person discord community which has been giving out free trading signals & alerts for years now.
Publicly - I help everyday people make a second income by putting their money to work for them.
Privately - I reveal a little-known trading system that allows anyone to consistently and reliably crush the financial markets.
Just like I was able to do all those years ago…
Trading has allowed me to live a pretty good life…
I’m able to travel the world whenever I want…
I’m able to spend unlimited time with my beautiful wife and kids…
But most of all…
I’m able to have freedom…
Real freedom…
…Which allows me to choose to do whatever I want, whenever I want to do it.
Now that’s priceless.
Here are some photos of having freedom…
As of writing this, I’m currently living in a Million-Dollar home in Chicago.
Here’s The Shocking Discovery That Transformed My Entire Life - It All Started In 2016
I was 26 and living in my parent’s basement.
I was pretty much a nobody…
Or at least I didn’t stand out.
I was just a fly on the wall…
Doing the same thing as everyone else…
Living the same life as everyone else…
On the fast-track to a boring life…
…That didn’t sit well with me.
I desperately wanted to have a life filled with adventure, excitement, and novelty.
…And I knew the path I was on wouldn’t give me that…
...So I started looking for a better way…
...After spending months and months researching…
I discovered the best way to get rich would be to start a business…
I mean…everyone else was doing it…
So I thought it would be easy.
…Boy was I wrong.
I had to go through painstaking trial-and-error to figure it all out
Eventually I did crack it, but it cost me my damn life…
…And nearly every waking hour that I had.
I felt FURTHER from my dream of having freedom than when I started…
Sure - I was making good money doing it…
…Nearly $150,000/year to be exact…
But I had to spend every waking second EARNING that money.
…That, I didn’t like…
…And that right there…is the first mistake that most people make in their pursuit of financial freedom…
You see…
After talking with many successful people, I learned a very key principle…
And that is…
If you really want to be rich and have REAL freedom…
You have to make your money work FOR you.
…Instead of working FOR your money.
And That’s What Really Sparked The Desire For Trading…
…Because trading allows your money to work FOR YOU.
So I asked for help…
There was this guy I knew from high school always posting about trading on social media.
He walked me through the core tenets of investing, told me what mistakes to avoid, and gave me good companies to put my money into.
I remember taking $900 and turning it into $1,200 in just 1 month.
Which doesn’t sound like a lot…
But my mind was blown because this only took me 10 minutes of real work to earn that $300.
So I did the math and realized that was $1,800/hour.
Making that kind of money was a cool concept to me, and as I researched more and more I found more and more of these “traders”.
…And most of them were just like me.
They also were regular people without college degrees…
They didn’t spend years working for some big bank or hedge fund...
They didn’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank…
…The only difference was they knew how to find little-known companies on the stock market that were about to explode in growth.
…And That Was The Birth Of My Trading Career
That’s when I begged my friend to teach me more.
He walked me through how to find and trade profitable biotech stocks.
Over the course of the next 2 years, I went on to turn $9,000 into $100,000 then into $150,000.
All of this with only a few hours of research and “hard work”.
That’s when I knew I struck gold.
Everything in my life started to turn around and life was amazing.
My wife and I moved into a nice house…
My family and I went on countless vacations…
I was able to afford things I never could before…
…Life was great.
Until I Got Smacked By Reality And Lost Over -$93,287…
This was during lockdown when the market had a massive crash.
That’s when I realized that up to that point, I wasn’t actually a good trader…
I was just lucky.
In hindsight, I was taking trades at random, and they just so happened to work out…that is…
Until they didn’t.
And I lost my shit.
Until that point, I had never experienced REAL loss.
That’s when I got smashed with reality.
That’s when I knew if I really wanted to make this work, I couldn’t rely on luck.
I needed a real system…
A real system that would allow me to consistently and reliably pick winners…
…not only that…
…I needed to find a financial market that didn’t expose me to massive downside risk…
That’s when I decided to make a pivot…
And found a hidden corner of the market where all the big traders are making real big money…
…And that was stock options.
Options would allow me to get those huge gains while also managing risk.
But best of all…
Get those huge gains in a lot faster timeframe… sometimes in just weeks or even days.
You see…
The inherent problem with trading stocks is that it can take months, even years before you make your money.
And if a market crash comes along, you’re screwed.
So I knew trading stock options was for me.
That’s when I got lucky and found a successful options trader who showed me everything.
She taught me the ins and outs of trading options.
Then, handed me a system that absolutely CRUSHES the market.
From there I was able to go on to compound my money like crazy.
The Same Gains I Was Seeing Across Years…I Was Able To See In A Matter Of Just Weeks
Check this out:
I was able to get into $CORN at $15 and ride it till $29
...It doesn’t seem like much, does it?
...But my investment here nearly doubled my money…
…I was able to get into $OXY at 10 dollars - and exit at 60 dollars…
…That gave me a 500% gain…
But that’s not the end…
…Most notably was $SAVA which I entered at $6.60 and exited at 137 dollars…
…This single move made me over $50,000…
This was only possible with this little-known system…
A system that allows you to WAIT for the market to “show you its hand” before entering.
It’s like playing poker against someone who keeps showing you their cards.
And you only decide to bet big when you KNOW you have a better hand.
Here’s The $50,000 Secret Behind How ALL This Really Works…
We wait for the market to reach key turning points and then…
…and only then…
…do we decide to enter the market.
…These turning points are golden opportunities for traders…
…It’s where the market is likely to have an explosive move…
…Meaning it has a high chance of success with the lowest risk…
…This allows us to profitably execute with stunning accuracy.
And because our strategy is based on following trends…
Once the market explodes from these key turning points…
We can ride the trend all the way to the top for big profits...
…And exit right before it comes tumbling back down.
Take a look at this example…
The market reached a key turning point…
I detected a buy signal that had huge profit potential…
…Just weeks later…
I was able to see a +82.1% price gain.
Here's what that means...
If you traded with $500 = $410!
If you traded with $2,000 = $1,640!
If you traded with $5,000 = $4,100!
If you traded with $10,000 = $8,200!
And it took me less than 30 minutes of work!
Crazy, right?
That’s not even the best part…
The best part is…
...Being Able To Do This WITHOUT Risking Your Entire Trading Account
Like I said before…
Most strategies are based entirely on luck…
And many of them make you risk it ALL on a single gamble.
Whereas with our system…
We don’t even enter a trade unless it reaches a key level.
If the market doesn’t actually breakout, we close it for a small loss and that’s it.
But when it does breakout…
We get insane gains because we just ride the momentum of the market.
Just like we had with this trade…
…I spotted another low-risk, high-profit sell signal…
Just Like That, We Were Able To Make +34% In Just 45 minutes...
When you trade this way, it allows you to ONLY enter trades when they’re highly likely to win.
…It’s not hoping, wishing, and praying…
It’s waiting for the optimal time to trade and boom, act now…
Make big money or take a tiny loss.
That's it.
But you can only do this when you have the right strategies.
And that’s what we’re going to give you.
I’m going to share with you the same system that I used to consistently and reliably beat the market over and over again…
The same system that I taught countless others…
Just Like Evan, Who Was Able To Turn $700 Into $7,000… Twice
Evan was our first Lunch Break Trader.
He turned $700 into $4,000 then into $7,000.
Took that same $500 and started again… and did it again.
This guy had zero trading experience.
In fact, he was my neighbor.
He was about to have a kid so he really needed the extra cash.
Normally I don’t like teaching people I know…
But he kept bugging me everyday and so finally I caved in.
I put him through our program and gave him our winning systems…
And crushed the market… twice.
Now after using what I taught him, he trades everyday on his lunch break.
All he does is take a few trades and makes a few extra hundred bucks every week.
...And It's All Because Of The Lunch Break Trader System
The same system we’re going to give you right now…
All you have to do is follow the system.
…and tap a few buttons on your phone.
And yet… as easy as that sounds… we’re going to make it EVEN easier.
We Removed Obstacles Preventing You From Having Success…
We know that trading can be scary…
Even if you have the best system for beating the market.
So that’s why we’re going to do something completely crazy…
We’re going to do all the hard work for you.
Instead of having to learn the system and find the trades yourself…
We’ll find them for you.
All you have to do is execute the trades…
Simple as that.
…I personally hired a small team of professional analysts who use the process I developed…
…And spend hours every week finding trades that meet our criteria for maximum profit potential.
...Every day…
...Every week…
...Every month…
…My team finds trades with the potential to double, triple, even quadruple your investment…
…And they turn them into buy/sell signals for our whole community…
…We then send those signals out to you via our website…
...Here’s what these alerts look like:
We only alert you when these trades are at these key levels…
And when it’s a golden opportunity for maximum profit potential with low risk.
We will tell you exactly where we enter, when, and how we close the trade for profit.
Your only job?
Potentially Collect Another Paycheck With Only 30 Minutes Per Day…
Instead of trying to figure it out on your own, guess, and get lucky…
We’re going to send you our best trades day in and day out.
Week after week.
This is how you could easily make extra money without even thinking…
Just read our alerts, open the trading app, tap, and done.
Simple as that.
…You’ll never have to read complicated technical analysis again…
…You’ll never have to gamble your money trying to get lucky…
…You’ll never be chained to your computer daytrading…
Instead, just dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to trading our system and following our alerts.
And you can potentially collect another paycheck without getting another job.
That's where the Lunch Break Trader System comes in...
It does this beautifully in just 3 easy steps...
And that’s the difference here.
When you decide to trade and invest your money using this model, the results are amplified and sustainable.
But when you decide to trade and invest your money using the “get lucky” method, your results are unpredictable and risky.
I’m not saying the “buy, hold, and pray” strategy is bad.
What I’m saying is…
If your goal is to make consistent money that you can depend on, then these other strategies might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it.
Most strategies out there are time-consuming, unpredictable, and down-right risky.
The Lunch Break Trader Model only requires waiting for us to send you an alert and then letting the momentum of the market take care of everything else.
And that's why this is different.
It does this beautifully in just 3 easy steps...
And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise
You can become a profitable trader who consistently pulls money from the market like your own personal ATM machine.
And once you start using this Lunch Break Trading model...
Finding high-quality, low-risk trades consistently isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.
It’s something that will be handed to you directly by our professional team of analysts.
Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 30 days from today.
Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Lunch Break Trader System…
By then, you could potentially see this winning strategy working on your portfolio.
That’s how easy this is.
I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…
And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You Believe Such a System Ever Existed…
…But, today I know better.
I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to make money with investing or trading -
I promise you this…
Anyone can start making money in the financial markets with the right system (more on this below)..
Ultimately I want you to know one thing..
If I Can Do This, So Can You!
Because over 34,437 others are doing it too right now within the Lunch Break Traders Community...
Here are some recent posts:
And Here's Another Reason You Too Can Do This
It took me a whole year to "figure this out"...
...and another 2 years to perfect it.
Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.
I already did all of the hard work for you.
I figured it all out.
Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.
You just need to access this program and most important of all - use it!
That’s it…
So let me tell you everything you’re going to get with the Lunch Break Trader Program…
That way you can potentially get started making money as soon as tomorrow…
Here's Everything You're Going To Get:
A profitable, beginner-friendly trading strategy, key risk-management strategies to protect your account, and the best chart setup strategy to read the price action like a pro
Inside we’re going to reveal everything you could possibly need to know about trading.
We’ll show you how to setup a trading account, how to deposit money safely, and how to actually place trades.
And of course…
We Give You Signals & Alerts For Every Single Trade…
Doesn’t matter if you want to day trade, swing trade, or just trade on your lunch break…
Doesn’t matter if you’re new or experienced…
We’re going to give you everything you could possibly need to make money in the financial markets.
Your only job is to point, tap, trade.
That’s it.
…Here’s the cherry on top…
If this page is still up…
You can grab your spot for a fraction of our regular price.
Since we are launching this program for the first time OUTSIDE of our community, we are making it available for a special launch-price.
Normally, we charge $97 per month for our premium trading alerts and education…
But on this page…
You get our dashboard & limited alerts for just $27.
That’s right…
…You can instantly save $52.00…
As a special thank you for reading this page.
This allows you to “test-drive” the product and be sure it works before committing to a monthly fee.
But We Won’t Be Offering This Forever…
So You Must Act Now.
Only $27 Today
Get Instant Access For Just $27.00!
Start trading with a proven system in just minutes.
Now Available For Instant Access
As you can imagine we can’t keep something like this running forever…
So that’s why, if you’d like to get your financial situation handled (once-and-for-all)
I’d like to invite you to give Lunch Break Trader a shot.
A few days from now you can be nothing but a couple of days older - or you could potentially have a couple hundred more bucks in your pocket.
It’s your choice.
Only you can make the decision.
So I’ll leave you to it.
Only $27 Today
Get Instant Access For Just $27.00!
Start trading with a proven system in just minutes.
Now Available For Instant Access
So Right Now You’re At Crossroads…
To the LEFT is going back down the road of uncertainty…
Uncertain about whether you can handle another financial curveball…
Uncertain about where your financial future is heading…
And uncertain about your current trading strategy…
You can choose to ignore everything we just told you…
…Forget about the Lunch Break Trading System...
And continue down the road UNKNOWN.
But that means you’ll go back to not knowing what to do…
Back to potential lost trades and blown trading accounts…
And back to trying to figure out when YOUR life of freedom is coming.
Now… There’s a chance you might succeed.
But there’s also a chance that you might fail.
For the cost of this program, it seems pointless to take that chance.
Which brings me to your second choice…
Down the road to the RIGHT…
…Endless opportunity.
…Endless possibility.
…Endless joy, happiness, and freedom.
The ability to have control over your financial future.
Having control means…
You can finally stop guessing, wondering, and waiting for your next payday…
And decide for yourself when you want your next payday.
You hold the keys to your future.
All you have to do is “test-drive” The System.
I say test drive because as mentioned above - you aren’t committed to a monthly program.
Just try out a few trades and see if they work!
That’s how confident we are in our program.
That’s how much we believe in its ability to help you out.
So now you have a choice…
And I can’t make it for you.
I can only show you the door.
So I’ll leave you with the easiest decision of your life.
With energy,
- Austin Wynn
Here's Everything You're Getting For $27.00
7-Day Fast Start
A profitable, beginner-friendly trading strategy, key risk-management strategies to protect your account, and the best chart setup strategy to read the price action like a pro
Trading Dashboard
Get instant access to our world-class trading dashboard showing you quality research, stock trade ideas, and analysis.
Daily Trading Alerts
Get instant access to our world-class trading dashboard showing you quality research, stock trade ideas, and analysis.